Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Misreading the signs (6)

(Mis-)Spotted earlier:

Free Poignancy Test Available Here

- and one I recall from a few weeks ago,

Working To Save The Livers Of The Elderly

(for those who have found my blog only recently, these are examples of the many times when I glance in passing at adverts, posters, signs, headlines and so on, and somehow manage to misread them and give them a rather different meaning).

In other news, I bought a bunch of bananas along with the rest of my groceries the other day. Can I find them?

(sorry for shouting)


Zhoen said...

You'd be amazed what you can lose. Don't worry, in a few days you WILL find them, if not before.

Rosaria Williams said...

You better find them soon. Those bananas rot easily.

Fire Byrd said...

Oh I want a poignancy test. Wouldn't that be nice to check out gently whether we were poignant or not. Could be used particularly well with angry young men, to show them there is a future without rage. And they could all be given badges with sweet little kittens on saying I'm on my way to being poignant.
I could go on and on but.....

trousers said...

Haven't found them yet, Zhoen and lakeviewer. I'm puzzled as much as I'm annoyed. I even had to go and buy some replacement bananas to make up for the deficit.

Sophia, sorry to hear you had a rough day, but glad I made you smile :)

FB, the kitten badges are a fantastic idea!