Monday 2 February 2009

Winter: cold snaps

Yes, it was time for another dreadful pun.

Anyway, I've had a fantastic time walking about in the snow from the afternoon through to the evening, and taken dozens and dozens (as opposed to merely dozens) of photographs. It would have been difficult not to get some decent results on a day like today.


Jennytc said...

They are lovely and so peaceful.

trousers said...

Just like the afternoon itself, jennyta - a whole different world.

Annie Wan said...

i love your cold snaps - there's a softness about them which perfectly mirrors ideas of peace and tranquility

trousers said...

mei, that's a lovely thing to say, thank you!

DJ Kirkby said...

Wow, you got loads more thna we did. Love the last pic, it is serene and just gorgeous.

zola a social thing said...

Mundane and damned awful if you ask me.
Trying to keep me house free of snow is a damned heavy job.
Let the Romantics clear the snow away I say !

trousers said...

Thanks deej. Yes, the most we've seen round these parts for a while, - which really isn't that much, in comparison with say 30 years ago when you would open the door and a wall of snow would confront you.

zola, it's a novelty for us...

Beth said...

They are all great. But particularly (going left-right then down) 4; 5; 6; 7.

In fact they are all great!

The last three in particular I'd pay for prints of. If, y'know, I had any more. Or a wall they'd go on.

(just ignore me!)

trousers said...

Thank you b!

I actually took about 200 photos, and a couple of vids, I'm conjuring with whether to post any more or not. Though I'd be very surprised if there weren't plenty of snow pictures appearing online at present :)

Reading the Signs said...

You do it, Trousers, so I don't have to. Just can't get the camera to see it the way I do - but you seem to capture the thing. Winter, I mean.

trousers said...

Thank you signs, and yes I'll happily assume that mantle (he says, getting ever so slightly grandiose).

Somehow with the first two photos I can picture the band Joy Division standing there looking distant and moody...

Beth said...

oh yes - would make a great joy division cover! :)