Tuesday, 28 August 2007

Project (1)

Or, to give its full title, Projects I Would Love To Do But Will Never Ever Get Round To (Probably). The first in an irregular series of posts which will be published as and when I think of equally stupid/pointless/unfeasible ideas.

So, having a drink with friends last night at a pub where a quiz was taking place (we weren't taking part), I suggested the following idea.

  • We form a quiz team, and we go to pub quizzes a minimum of three times a week.
  • For every single answer in every single quiz, we write the same answer: Spartacus.
  • We do this for a year, and then we tot up how many times Spartacus was the right answer.
  • Er, that's it.
Oddly, nobody seemed willing to give it a go. Somebody did say it sounded like an Art Project though.


Anonymous said...

and,erm just how many pubs will you be going to.....?
Just a thought.

Merkin said...

To my mind, the only answer is Spartacus.

Anonymous said...

As many as it takes, lav. It's a tough job but surely somebody has to do it.

......is the right answer, merkin. You're getting the hang of it already.

zola a social thing said...


Anonymous said...

You're getting the hang of this quite quickly, zola my old.

DJ Kirkby said...

lol! Loving this idea...

zola a social thing said...

With a stutter
So excited I am right now.
This is philosophy back on-line.
Where will we go from here?

A gem for you Trousers.

Merkin said...

Philosophy, Zola?

'I think I am Spartacus therefore....

I am likely to be taken away to the big house by the men with white coats'.

Anonymous said...

Who knows where we'll go from here zola, who knows?

Perhaps merkin knows. But if merkin is right, then remember - it's better to travel hopefully (with the men in white coats) than to arrive (at the big house).

zola a social thing said...

Once went to an early performance of "Hair" in London ( where else).
Naked bodies everywhere before the curtain was even raised.
It was Freudian, I guess, but I have always recalled this event as the dawning of a Hairy Arse.
Damn it I was there.

Spartacus-Hairy Arse?
Oh well there you have it, there it is.

Anonymous said...

How early was the performance? Dinner time?

Cue terrible joke about The Naked Lunch...

Or not.

Anonymous said...

HairyArsecus, what a thought.

What's in a name?
He wouldn't have been as famous, that is for certain.

Fire Byrd said...

Very very silly!
Or so existensial in its concept that it will be become one of the profound meanings in life that we are all searching for...
But on reflection... No it's bollocks

zola a social thing said...

Pixieploy : Be kind to Trousers he reads many books and must be forgiven for his lapses into .... sori

without an hairyarseicus
( always had doubts about those lot anyway ).

But Why? said...

Oh trousers, you have reminded me of a wonderful moment from my school days. I am going to have to blog it...

But xx

Anonymous said...

pixie: can the two (existential/profound, and bollocks) not co-exist in a perpetual state of symbiosis? No? Ok.

Appreciate the attempt at support, zola :)

But why? I look forward to reading that when you blog it.

Neon said...

I think you could get Arts Council funding for that...;)

Anonymous said...

Hi neon - I might just try that, though I'm sure I'd have to tart it up a little if it was going to be submitted as a proposal...