Sunday 27 February 2011

New toy

So in a bit of rather aggressive stress management, I decided to stop stewing over all the nonsense that had got me worked up over the last few days, and stomped off into town to spend some Christmas money that had been in ever-present danger of being swallowed up into everyday expenditure.

Yes, it was time to treat myself, and I bought this digital audio recorder, which should prove useful for all sorts of things. Having a new toy to play with should also serve as a spur to pick up the momentum with my music again, which has frustratingly been a casualty of my energies being directed (and, as often as not, wasted) elsewhere in recent days.


Zhoen said...

Oooo, shiny!

trousers said...


Reading the Signs said...

Oooh! I have been on the edge of getting one of these a couple of times. But in the end I didn't as I could never quite work out what exactly I might want to use it for. I think I had in mind recording thoughts etc (and, er, Shrink sessions). It will be good to see what you do with this new toy.

trousers said...

Signs, in a way it replaces a piece of kid I've still got, but which is getting a little frayed round the edges - a minidisc recorder - and I'll be using it for very similar things, with hopefully a little extra versatility. Such things being: a useful tool during (and back-up for) playing gigs, transferring and handling audio data, and recording sound from various sources.

I will, in due course, let you know.

Alexandra MacVean said...

Digital audio recorders rock. I so miss mine(LONG STORY). Have fun with your new toy! =) Woot!

trousers said...

Certailny will do, Sophia, and see my reply to your comment on today's post too..