Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Misreading the signs

On a public information notice:

Don't make it easy for burglars - keep tights on and lock your windows and doors.

Clearly then, people who don't wear tights are more vulnerable to being burgled.


Fire Byrd said...

Er..... Right!

trousers said...

I assume you guessed it was meant to be "lights" not "tights"?

trousers said...

Hey Soph, thanks to your post today, I made sure I got some music done again tonight, after a week or so of just feeling too tired and preoccupied.

Glad this made you smile. x

Zhoen said...

I wonder if leotards would work as well.

Carol said...

I'm having one of those days and this made me laugh out loud! Just what I needed :-)

C x

trousers said...

Sophia, not a problem - far from it. My thoughts, and best wishes, remain with you x