Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Misreading the signs

A newspaper sub-headline this time:

Cats put extradition procedures in spotlight

Which brings about some wonderful mental images, though the correctly-read words were, of course, rather more prosaic (ie, "Case puts....").


Beth said...

hello. i'm back reading again. i didn't mean to be away for so long, especially while you've been reading my darkest thoughts.

this made me smile. i'm glad i'm back :)

trousers said...

I'm very glad too B, it's lovely to see you back here :)

Zhoen said...

Well, there was a cat in Boston called for jury duty.

trousers said...

Ah yes, I remember reading about that. Suddenly it's all beginning to make sense...

Fire Byrd said...

Ah yes powerful creatures cats, easily underestimated by people who see them as self serving lap creatures!

trousers said...

Too right, FB :)
