Sunday, 29 June 2008



But Why? said...


Reading the Signs said...

Hmm. Well Trousers, I rush over here to see what stuff it is that might be distracting you and I see this. Interesting. I will have to go away and consider what it might mean.

Anonymous said...

Oh, it's not bloggy stuff which has been the said distraction signs - the bloggy stuff is serving as a distraction from said distraction. But I can see how it looks....

I think I need a lie down.

zola a social thing said...

Tell me Trousers : does one twat look like another?
Surely some are hairy and others not.

Anonymous said...

Surely, zola, a twatling ia either a baby duck or something like a sapling? If it was anything else, surely you wouldn't need to be asking me, man of the world that you are?

Anonymous said...

"ia" should have been "is", of course...

Merkin said...

Milliband's place of birth, perchance?

trousers said...

Oh, I couldn't possibly answer a question like that, merk :)

Fire Byrd said...

so did you really find this out of on your travels or where you wasting time on the internet!

I really want to launch into other like minded names, as you have so kindly done for me in the past but I find myself being strangely reticent!!! But be assured I'm thinking all sorts of new names for walks and close's!

trousers said...

Yes I did see this on my travels, b-byrd - obviously the photo just had to be taken, and blogged.

It's not like you to be so reticent, are you feeling ok? x

Merkin said...

Everything is possible, Bollinger :

'Gropecunt Lane was a name used in English-speaking towns and cities in the Middle Ages for streets where prostitutes conducted their business.'

Anonymous said...

Fucking hell merk, that's fantastic! Talk about "does what it says on the tin"...