Here's someone who took up residence on my bathroom windowsill some weeks ago. Let's call him Dave.*
Damn right he's pissed off - I just moved the cord which pulls the blinds, and trashed his web. I must have grown quite fond of his presence there, since I actually found myself saying sorry, before I realised how ridiculous that was. This had to be blogged about.
Update: Well he's finally done some rebuilding of his web, it's all rather half-hearted and slow going though. Reminds me of the opening (or was it closing?) sequence to The Rockford Files, or at least the arachnoid equivalent.
More news as it happens.
*name changed from Juan to protect his confidentiality
That's nice of you!
trousers, you were right.
I recognise him from somewhere.
Or, her.
Nice legs, shame about the wide stance.
Poor Juan. And I've got more bad news for him: in a mad fit of decluttering today I may just have vacumned up some of his German cousins.
Break it to him gently, won't you?
Oh, I do feel so very guilty now. In a fit of cleaning I fear I may have evicted tens of his fellow arachnids. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear... How can I make amends?
Yesterday I poured myself my customary lunchtime vodka-and-something, and when I picked up the glass I was startled to see one of Juan's brethren floating in the cocktail. I hadn't noticed him when I was pouring - I suppose he thought the glass was a comfy place to snooze. Anyway, he died a merrily inebriated death. RIP.
Don't worry Trousers. They build em again faster than even Starbucks can manage.
I love having spiders around - they draw attention away from the dust.
Poor spidy, now that you've posted his pic and blown his cover, you'll have to put him in the witness protection programme. damn right you should have appologised...and btw the fuckers' moved in here now, well done, thanks! (Honest, he has! I've got the pic and he has grown in size comming to collect him or should I post him back?)!
Thanks milan.
Merkin, I can't tell objectively whether it's a him or her, apart from his name. He's not answering any of my questions, despite having a full set of eight legs (that's an obscure reference to a spider joke).
charlotte and but why?, it's nice to see that it's not just me feeling guilt about such things. I think you could make amends by following anticant's example in future - that may be one more spider death, but at least it was a happy one.
pants - this one hasn't rebuilt his web yet, maybe he's lazy - or finds my occasional proximity to be a disincentive.
dj - are you SURE that's the same one? Last time I was in the bathroom he was still here. Now if I could really be arsed, I'd do another spider picture and this time I'd superimpose some shades in accordance with your sound advice. Maybe I will - but don't hold your breath :)
What more can anyone add.
Except I hate spiders big time and once spent an hour shining a light on a spider then making it dark again to persuade it to move from above my bed. It took an hour to move it this way for me to feel safe enough to get in bed.Otherwise it might have got me!!!
That was the zenith of my spider phobia, I'm a bit better now but not much!!!
PS you used the name Juan for a bloke called Dave in a previous blog, is there a pttern froming here?
lordy, trousers, you should have posted a warning that that monster was going to be there, what a fright i got! i hope he doesn't crawl over to my blog from yours. i am shuddering to the nth degree here.
Ah G'wan... G'wan, G'wan, G'wan! Just so your delicate constitution isn't shocked I thought it best to tell you that my wordless Wednesday post should carry an 'over 18's only' warning. Best look at it through your fingers in case it is too much for you. Psssst...c'mere...need to whisper to you...don't show it to Juan, it violates his parole conditions, oh and ask him why his bigger, older brother is living in my house!
Anybody for camping?
pixie - sorry to hear about that spider experience. They really hold no fear for me anymore. By the way, it's not a pattern as such, it's just that all my mates are either called Juan or Dave :)
nmj, I was indeed thinking of warning you in advance, knowing how you feel about spiders. Got distracted though (mainly by Hawkwind on youtube..)
dj, I asked him why his older brother is at yours but he remained mute, despite all 8 legs being clearly attached to his body (a further obscure reference to a spider joke).
zola - yes/no (delete as applicable)
He's clearly a stoic, Juan. Or a sucker for punishment. Or he just really, really loves that corner of the bathroom. Must be the view ...
Oh, definitely a stoic, charlotte. I do get that impression quite clearly. I was going to make a joke about his rebuilt lair being called Web 2.0 but ....well I just have done. x
I do worry about you :)
I find that reassuring, caroline x
Basia from Hawkwind was a pure honey.
hey trousers, i just came back to look at the juan thread & shut my eyes til i had scrolled to comments.
Now there's commitment nmj. Next time there's a spider/creepy crawly type of post, I'll make sure I warn you in advance :)
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