Wednesday 24 March 2010

Misreading the signs (7ish)

Seen/misread on a toybox left outside a neighbour's house:

Patio Controlled Helicopter

I was genuinely puzzling over that when I saw it yesterday, though I read it correctly today.


Reading the Signs said...

I studied this. Was just about to comment that I couldn't work out what the actual sign was supposed to be. But then I got it. Phew. I would have compromised my good name.

Zhoen said...

"Can only be used on the patio."

Hope work improves, and you feel up to a holiday report.

Fire Byrd said...

So I'm beginning to think i don't understand English anymore when i come here. it's getting more and more difficult to work out.
and since I don't have a good name I can happily admit I have no idea....

trousers said...

Good work, Signs - and hello. I've not been a very talkative blogger lately, though I've been over and lurked. Lovely to see you and hope all's well.

Zhoen, thank you, and see above. I haven't felt like writing much for a little while, as I'm sure is quite obvious. But I think at some point I'll sit down and focus and communicate a little more. As regards work, the problem in this case isn't work itself, but funding (or sudden lack of it) which has left many people uncertain and bitter. I don't want to post about that due to said uncertainty.

FB, sorry to be so obfuscatory! I don't know whether you'll be worried or reassured that it all makes perfect sense to me :) Anyway, what I read as "patio" (perhaps due to the box being crumpled or something) was "radio."

nmj said...

Good thing you clarified, Trews, I thought it was fine with patio and had no idea... I imagined a wee boy with a remote control & a toy helicopter on the patio. V tired...

trousers said...

My initial thought, nmj, was that it was some kind of air conditioning unit for patios.