Friday, 8 April 2011

Misreading the signs

Denial Floss


Fire Byrd said...

I think that's what I use, in that the dental floss likes to live in the cupboard and not see the light of day and I get on with the denying I need it stuff!!!

Beth said...

is that to remove the denial, or clean it so it's shiny and new???

either way i think it'd be useful stuff :)

Zhoen said...

I can see that misread.

Blogging, an indeterminate and irregular pastime of the often irritable.

D.J.Kirkby said...

I could do with some of that!

trousers said...

FB, if I wasn't reaching for the dental floss in the first place then I wouldn't have misread it in the first place :)

B, take your pick (half pun half-intended) - whatever suits your mindset at any given time!

Zhoen, your second sentence just about summed up The trouser Press.

Deej, if I wasn't in denial in the first place, then maybe so could I...