Sunday, 11 July 2010

The nondescript

Going back to see my mother for the weekend often sees me experiencing mixed feelings, for all sorts of reasons. Last time I was there I was like a grumpy, semi-mute teenager, I couldn't have been good company, but that was while I was in the midst of some rather intense work-related dramas.

This weekend I was able to appreciate being there much more. The first thing I noticed was the background noise (I've described it on this blog - somewhere - before), the subtle and very alluring hum from the road in the middle distance, as it cuts across the countryside. I popped out for a couple of drinks on Friday evening, and sat outside away from conversation and hubbub, so that I could be enveloped as much as possible by this hum.

I attended a barbecue with my mother on Saturday evening, it was a family friend's birthday. I didn't stay late, I made the most of the weather and had a walk round later on, allowing my head to fill with narratives and ideas as I wandered the near-silence of the paths and lanes. Looking back on the barbecue, there was a really nice atmosphere, something almost heartbreakingly gentle about it.


Carol said...

I liked this post. It came across....what's the word I'm looking for....contented. Like you had a lovely time both being with friends and enjoying your own company and came away feeling the better for it.

Glad you had a good break

C x

trousers said...

Thanks Carol. I do have warm memories of this weekend and a tinge of regret that it's over so soon - but then, I could say that about most weekends..

Zhoen said...

Life lived well, mostly in quietly indescribable moments.