Thursday, 22 September 2011

Brilliant Bonkers

I love this. I wish I could dance like that.

Actually, after a few drinks, I often can.


Zhoen said...

That's a pretty low bar. However, should we ever meet, and go have a drink, I will keep this in mind.

Fire Byrd said...

You should check out the Bonzo Dog Do Dah Band for serious bonkers stuff.
BTW I did wonder why you were writing about conkers....

trousers said...

You might think it's a low bar, Zhoen - for me it's something to aspire to :)

Sophia, I'm so glad you enjoyed this :)

FB, yes I know the Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band, they're very much an influence on a lot of what this guy does, especially this particular one (not to mention his name is more than a nod to Vivian Stanshall) :)


Anonymous said...

Love it, I couldn't and wouldn't dance like that, drink or no drink. I am a clunky oath and must accept who I am.

trousers said...

Hi zhisou. Glad you like it, shame about the dancing. I'm very much a clunky oath in my own way, but with a combination of the right amount of beer (ie more than a sensible amount) and certain types of music, then I find I have no choice.