Monday, 27 September 2010

Cigarettes and piss

My stat counter is down, and blogger seems to want to randomly announce "service unavailable" as though it's just joined a Union or something.

Anyway, I'm rather pleased with myself this evening. There's a melody which has been going through my head today - quite an insidious thing it is, perhaps rather cheesy too..but I wouldn't really know, I can't quite objectify it - and I've managed to remember it long enough to be able to record it along with an accompanying chord progression (well, there are three chords).

The reason I'm so pleased is that there have been several previous times that I've had this particular melody going through my head, and I've thought to myself oh, I'll remember that easily enough. Guess what - each previous time, I've forgotten it, I'm not sure how. It came back into my head today, for the first time in months. Yes, this is one of those which has been nagging away at me for years - perhaps three or four years - and I've finally nailed it.

Where I take it from here, I'm not sure - but at least it's there, recorded, tangible and accessible, and I can at least take it somewhere.

Conversely, after a weekend away in beautiful scenery in mid-Wales, I have many photographs I would like to post up here. I can't, however, because they're all in my head: I was hurtling around on a mountain bike and capturing the views with a camera just wouldn't have been very wise from the point of view of my health and safety.


Zhoen said...

Oh, those are the best photos, always perfect, never blurred or underexposed.

Congrats on the tune.

Fire Byrd said...

Good to know you had a great time.
A bit worrying how The Labels seem to be living in a parallel universe now!

Reading the Signs said...

I have head snapshots too - one of the time I first saw Loch Katrine in Scotland. When I went back there I realised that the snapshot wasn't quite accurate. But it captured the truth of the moment.

Yes, what's the tune (wink wink)?

Carol said...

Ok I'm now winking too (and am probably loking rather dodgy). Would love to hear the tune :-)

C x

trousers said...

Thanks Zhoen - I'm glad you know the ones I mean.

Sophia, I'm still wondering how to upload audio to blogger - see a couple of posts previous - but am working on it. You won't hear this tune for a while though, it needs work to put it in its proper context - but I shall hopefully post some work in progress before long, as vulnerable as that makes me feel.

Hope you're well too.

Fire Byrd, that's what labels are for (not least, for the likes of you to notice!) xx

Signs, I know what you mean. I've been (stupidly, perhaps) startled when my most concrete-seeming snapshots haven't quite matched up, but - as you say - they've captured the truth enough.

See my reply to Sophia above as regards the tune.

Carol, see my reply to Signs above, with particular regard to the reference to my reply to Sophia above. Or, of course, you could just shortcut to my reply to Sophia above. Either way, may I (wink wink) to all concerned :)

OnParis said...

Hi Trews, don't know which version of blogspot you are using.

I went onto mine today and here is now a stat machine built in.
For various reasons it's ages since I blogged and this appears to be a new facility on blogspot.

Orrabest, Merkin

OnParis said...

Hi Trews, don't know which version of blogspot you are using.

I went onto mine today and here is now a stat machine built in.
For various reasons it's ages since I blogged and this appears to be a new facility on blogspot.

Orrabest, Merkin