This is what happens when you leave the door to the grill on the front of the cooker open and walk into it in the dark:

Still, it's better than the time a couple of years ago when I decided to take a short-cut to wherever I was going, and jumped over a very low (ie less than 2ft high) wall. Not a problem normally, except somehow I managed to make a complete mess of it. I managed to snag my foot against something on the floor which took away my balance completely: I landed heavily against the top of the wall, which gave me an absolute shiner of a bruise in more or less the same place as the one you see here. The main difference was that you could clearly see the brick pattern on my leg.
What was worse than the pain at the time was that it happened in a public square in the middle of the afternoon, but I think I got away with it without anyone seeing me. No such worries this time anyway.
Update: I found a photo of the bruise from when I fell on the wall.
Bricklayers of a nervous disposition should look away
Oh dear, I hope you are feeling much better now.
Great blog.
best wishes,
I wrote out a long thing here, but realised it might come across as nasty, which it wasn't, suffice to say it involved feet and agrophobics and I'll explain another day.
Thanks annie and welcome! Yes I'm fine thanks, it didn't hurt that much, just one of those sudden sharp "ooh...shit!" kind of feelings if you see what I mean.
Impressive bruise though (the photo doesn't quite do it justice and looks more like a New Order record sleeve or something).
Hi fire byrd, no need to explain, I can see what you're getting at and it makes perfect sense to me...
Now thats a poor baby if ever i saw one...
Poor baby..
poor poor baby...
Jesus wept ! Trousers is getting into the erotic.
What a picture, what a photograph, stick it in yer family album.
Dark side of the Moon?
Arnica cream, Trousers. There - that's my Good Advice for the day sorted. (I wonder if walking into grill doors could possibly be connected to one of the PDs).
From the photo I couldn't tell whether to apply an icepack or eat it!
Haha, thanks sorrow - and a warm welcome to you too :)
Bloody hell zola, I dread to think what rorschach tests do for you...
Looks worse than it was, dj - I think.
Thanks for the tip, signs - as regards the PDs, I don't think there was a Stupid Personality Disorder listed - but that would fit the bill :)
Definitely an icepack merk, for God's sake!
Hi -
I just found your site through black box! Am happy to have stumbled upon you (and thrilled that my trip wasn't bruise inducing!) I fear I live my life bumping into things and each night my husband asks..."how did you get that bruise on your.." knee, elbow or some other random places and 90% of the time I can't even remember! Atleast you know the barbie in the culprit!
Best, nice bumping into you!
The Antiques Diva
hey trews, i hope you said lots of bad words, this is a cracker!
Hi antiques diva, and nice to see you! I'm amazed that the black box is still sending people here (and I was the first one to use it!).
nmj - I think I did, but it would have been a case of bad words softly spoken, given that it was in the middle of the night.
'Definitely an icepack merk, for God's sake!'
Pack-ice and God?
And so say all of Sarah Palin.
I'll email you as my post would be too long otherwise.
*waves* was fab to meet you!
OOOh I got sent here by black box!!
First one of my blog roll I've been sent to.
I concur, b, really fab to meet you too!
Hi fire byrd, a couple of weeks ago and the black box wouldn't have been sending you anywhere else, judging by the sheer volume of traffic I was getting here! Hugs to you too x
Hi Trews
Ouch. I'm pretty cut up at the moment myself. Log fire, gravel roads, old house, car! None of it goes with fingernails.
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