Tuesday, 24 July 2007

A note of appreciation

Yes, a big thank you is in order for the kind and thoughtful comments on the previous post. I know I responded to people's comments on the thread, but it feels worth just saying so again - I really, really appreciate it.

That particular post wasn't meant to get emotional - I was/am saving the bulk of that stuff for another time, when it seems right - the original intention was more about how anniversaries seem quite abstract and don't usually stir much emotion in me in themselves. A nice irony then that as I was writing, I couldn't help but get involved.

It has been a very nice and affirmative blogging experience, to receive that warmth from those who responded. I'm really very grateful for it.

It also resulted in the birth of another blog, that of the sinister welder, already mentioned more than once on these pages recently, though not by that name (and no, he's not my namesake). I'm looking forward to seeing what he has to write (no pressure or anything), I'm sure he won't mind people stopping by at his shed to pay him a visit.


anticant said...

Yes, there are some heartwarmingly nice people around our little corner of the blogosphere.

And you are one of them.

Anonymous said...

Yes,I second that emotion xx

Anna MR said...

Thirded. xx

Anonymous said...

Has the sinister welder got a bar in his shed ?

Anonymous said...

and will you please tell sinister welder to let people without a google account into his site ?
Thank you .

DJ Kirkby said...

The 'Sinister welder'??? Lol, I am going for a visit now, I like to live dangerously in the mornings, anything to avoid going into work...

trousers said...

If there's not a bar there lav I'd be very surprised...I've gone over and had a word about the google account thing.

zola a social thing said...

Fuck me Trousers is preparing for politics and the Conservatives at that.
And it is working.
I'll vote for you Trousers, I will, I will.
Now get back to your best stuff.

trousers said...

Oops missed you first thing dj kirkby - I'm sure you'll like it over there in the welder's shed.

zola, how can I put this politely (ie avoid revealing my dark side...)? OK, here goes: if I was ever to go into politics - especially conservative politics (it doesn't deserve the capital c) - I would expect to be wrestled to the ground and have some sense beaten into me. NOT voted for.

Anonymous said...

Jesus Trousers wants a spanking it seems or at least a press through the mangle.

Anonymous said...

As a pure and decent lady,I am prepared,just this once, to wrestle trousers to the ground and....oooh Spank him.........
> goes for a lie-down <

trousers said...

*blushes even more*

*still blushing*