Well Happy blogday to you.Lots of water under both our bridges then in the last four years. Guess must mean that I'm almost four too!In fact it will be next Monday, but it's probably cheating since I have had so many names.That said it's one less than I've had in real life, and I'm still me!
This comment is probably longet tham your post so I'll quit whilst I'm ahead! xx
Misreading the signs.... I just wondered why you were talking about an IV, as in nurse speak for an intra venous infusion or drip. Couldn't compute brain title with words for a moment!!! Solution lying down in a darkened room I think. x
Thanks FB - yes that comment is definitely longer than my post! I'm wondering whether I should take a break - or more than a break, or just carry on in what's an increasingly low-key way. I dunno.
Yes I see what you mean about the IV, though you could say that my blog needs one...
Hei, young housut, and congrats and Hyvää syntymäpäivää to your bloggy. Sorry it's a little belated.
Now hello and hei and hope you are doing okay (you seem to have had some of the um usual stuff going on, you poor thing you). That said, onto the pressing matter of your blog…as you know perhaps, I'm renowned in my own little bloggy corner as the once-prolific blogger who's since become a recluse, a hermit, and a bloody dreadful blog hostess. But do you know what - I'll live, and I hope all my esteemed and beloved guests believe the apology which I left sometime last year on the comment page (kind of in advance you know). Thing is I really don't think any Firm Choices need making - why would they? I mean essentially, your blog is yours. If for whatever reason you cannot keep up with it - leave it be. It's perfectly okay to leave it be, do absolutely nothing about it at all whatsoever. If however you start Making Firm Choices ("I know, I'll delete the fucker and be done with it once and for all" / "Oh the shame of it all, I must must must write/reply/whatever", so on and so forth), then you're kind of stuck with them (depending how final these um solutions are). So that you know if like let's just say after two years of saying next to nothing you suddenly feel like you want to post a video that most everybody has seen on youtube anyway, you can do so - who's to tell you otherwise?
Hm. I seem to go on and on and say the same thing over and over without really perhaps saying what I intended to say. Ah well. Hope you can see what I mean- that it's okay to take a break if you need to or want to, and that there's nobody in this world telling you how long you're allowed to shut up on your own blog. No decisions are really necessary, just do what you feel like doing.
Zhoen, yes quite a slump. I do love having a place to write, but I just haven't been in the right place to write - still at least I've got round to a reply at last.
Ms MR, you're absolutely right of course (excuse, in turn, my own belated reply). I shall not close this place down, I just haven't really felt able to devote any time or thought or (far less) imagination to it recently - as is obvious. I think it's perhaps telling that this week, for the first time in a wee while, I've felt like I've had a little bit of breathing space: hence even just this small bit of activity.
I agree, no Firm Choices. I don't believe, blog-wise, I've made any firm choices in the existence of The trouser Press, so there's no point in starting now, is there? Hugs duly reciprocated, with warmth. x
Sophia, thank you, and due excuse my tardy response. As mentioned above, I've decided not to leave, but I'm having an extended lie-down: activity will continue as and when...as and when it happens. That said, I realise I'm missing out on your own writings (and those of my other bloggy friends): I hope you're ok and dealing with whatever is happening at the moment. Best wishes to you x
Well Happy blogday to you.Lots of water under both our bridges then in the last four years. Guess must mean that I'm almost four too!In fact it will be next Monday, but it's probably cheating since I have had so many names.That said it's one less than I've had in real life, and I'm still me!
This comment is probably longet tham your post so I'll quit whilst I'm ahead!
Misreading the signs....
I just wondered why you were talking about an IV, as in nurse speak for an intra venous infusion or drip. Couldn't compute brain title with words for a moment!!!
Solution lying down in a darkened room I think.
Thanks FB - yes that comment is definitely longer than my post! I'm wondering whether I should take a break - or more than a break, or just carry on in what's an increasingly low-key way. I dunno.
Yes I see what you mean about the IV, though you could say that my blog needs one...
The four year blogslump. I've had my ups and downs, but I love having a place to write, which keeps me going back.
Hei, young housut, and congrats and Hyvää syntymäpäivää to your bloggy. Sorry it's a little belated.
Now hello and hei and hope you are doing okay (you seem to have had some of the um usual stuff going on, you poor thing you). That said, onto the pressing matter of your blog…as you know perhaps, I'm renowned in my own little bloggy corner as the once-prolific blogger who's since become a recluse, a hermit, and a bloody dreadful blog hostess. But do you know what - I'll live, and I hope all my esteemed and beloved guests believe the apology which I left sometime last year on the comment page (kind of in advance you know). Thing is I really don't think any Firm Choices need making - why would they? I mean essentially, your blog is yours. If for whatever reason you cannot keep up with it - leave it be. It's perfectly okay to leave it be, do absolutely nothing about it at all whatsoever. If however you start Making Firm Choices ("I know, I'll delete the fucker and be done with it once and for all" / "Oh the shame of it all, I must must must write/reply/whatever", so on and so forth), then you're kind of stuck with them (depending how final these um solutions are). So that you know if like let's just say after two years of saying next to nothing you suddenly feel like you want to post a video that most everybody has seen on youtube anyway, you can do so - who's to tell you otherwise?
Hm. I seem to go on and on and say the same thing over and over without really perhaps saying what I intended to say. Ah well. Hope you can see what I mean- that it's okay to take a break if you need to or want to, and that there's nobody in this world telling you how long you're allowed to shut up on your own blog. No decisions are really necessary, just do what you feel like doing.
Many hugs from here
Zhoen, yes quite a slump. I do love having a place to write, but I just haven't been in the right place to write - still at least I've got round to a reply at last.
Ms MR, you're absolutely right of course (excuse, in turn, my own belated reply). I shall not close this place down, I just haven't really felt able to devote any time or thought or (far less) imagination to it recently - as is obvious. I think it's perhaps telling that this week, for the first time in a wee while, I've felt like I've had a little bit of breathing space: hence even just this small bit of activity.
I agree, no Firm Choices. I don't believe, blog-wise, I've made any firm choices in the existence of The trouser Press, so there's no point in starting now, is there? Hugs duly reciprocated, with warmth. x
Sophia, thank you, and due excuse my tardy response. As mentioned above, I've decided not to leave, but I'm having an extended lie-down: activity will continue as and when...as and when it happens. That said, I realise I'm missing out on your own writings (and those of my other bloggy friends): I hope you're ok and dealing with whatever is happening at the moment. Best wishes to you x
I should point out, Sophia, that receiving your comment above was a most welcome and lovely boost for that particular day (yesterday). Thank you xxx
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