Tuesday, 5 January 2010

First post of 2010

Right - that's that one out of the way. Hopefully the second post of 2010 will be far easier: pressure's off now.


Rosaria Williams said...

I love "the tags for this post...." You're a clever pup.

Fire Byrd said...

I'm so full of admiration that you have been able to tackle this first post of the year with such verve and tenacity......

trousers said...

lakeviewer, there's often more information contained in the tags than in the post itself: this post being a clear exception, obviously :)

FB, glad to see that you appreciate the thought and graft that have gone into this particular post. x

Janette said...

But will your second post of 2010 have as much wit and humour?? Pressure is on!

nmj said...

I think you should post about snow, it is just so 2010...

Zhoen said...

Try not to break the trousers getting them down.